Surf Daily Energy Cycles

Our bodies follow a circadian rhythm that causes our mood and energy levels to fluctuate throughout the day. Our energy levels and motivation fluctuate according to our schedule, how we spend our time and our natural inclinations. Identifying and addressing these natural rhythms can help improve our productivity.

To get a better picture of how your energy levels fluctuate throughout the day, try the following:

  • Set an alarm to go off every hour during working hours.
  • When the alarm rings, stop what you are doing and make a note of your energy levels and feelings about continuing to work.
  • Do this for a few days and then review your notes. You should be able to notice some trends, for example:
    • you feel tired in the early afternoon; or
    • you are better able to focus mid-morning.
  • Write those trends down and prepare some strategies to respond to them.

Below are some common strategies to help surf energy cycles:

  • Tackle difficult tasks during periods in which you have the most energy. For most of us, this occurs in the morning.
  • Set repetitive or simple tasks for periods of low energy to ease your way through the energy slump.
  • If you’re a morning person, try to start and finish early.
  • If you’re a night owl, consider starting and finishing late.
  • Schedule simpler or more pleasant tasks directly after difficult or draining ones.
  • Plan to deal with more challenging tasks immediately before a break.

Our circadian rhythm is set and altered by our sleep/wake times. This means that setting consistent sleep and wake times and getting good sleep can help to increase productivity.

Outsmart Procrastination